Monday, March 2, 2009

Observations of the Love Dare day 7-12

God be with you all!

Here are my observations of the Love Dare day7-12.

Day 7-Love believes the best
1 Corinthians 13:7- "Love believes all things, hopes all things."
Here we studied the concept of the appreciation room and the depreciation room. When we dated the appreciation room was visited often. We showed our appreciation a lot differently when we were dating than we do now. One thing that is a major contributor to the difference is the main drawback of homeschooling, constant kids. Another reason for the reduction of appreciation is the lack of time spent together. I teach the kids a couple of classes when I get home, I do my schoolwork online, then Sweets and the kids are watching TV. It is tough to compete with the King of Queens, Still Standing, and Everybody Loves Raymond. Toward the end of the night I get quite tired from the long day (I get up at 4:30 a.m.) So the time to be able to be appreciative is short. We are never in the depreciation room.

The dare was to list good things and another list of bad things. I had a lengthy list of good things for my Sweets.

Day 8- Love is not jealous
Song of Solomon 8:6 "Love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire."
I was extremely jealous when we first started dating. I went so far as to bristle up and threaten a couple guys who seemed interested in Sweets. Those were the days of being lost. Now, I still get a little upset at guys staring at or talking to Sweets. I am much better now though, I am confident in her love for me.
Today's dare was not much of a stretch for me. We are to be our spouses biggest fan. I already am my wife's biggest fan. I was able to crinkle up and throw away the non-existent negative list of Sweets.

Day 9-Love makes good impressions
1 Peter 5:14 "Greet one another with a kiss of love"
This was a chapter that dealt with greetings. Our greetings for one another were a lot different in the past, but just being with my wife is comforting to me, so I have not been too observant about greetings. I think that we both have been lax in our greeting of one another. We are apart a long time and we still just say hi most of the time. I just enjoy my wife's company though, we still talk some when I get home from work.
After this dare our greeting of one another has become like old times. That is very exciting.

Day 10- Love is unconditional
Romans 5:8 "God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
The question is "Why do we love our spouse?"
Unconditional love was the focus here. I love my wife no matter what. She can wig out and throw stuff all over the place and I still love her more than I did the last minute. When we dated she looked very "dressed up" I loved that. Now lately, she dresses in sweats and a t-shirt and no make up, I love that too. I love the person who is my wife, not just the outer appearance, but the inner self. That is why she is "my beautiful blue-eyed bride".

Day 11-Love Cherishes
Ephesians 5:28 "Husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies."
This was about treating each other with the respect that you want from your spouse. I love my wife as a part of me. She is my everything.
The dare was to meet a need that our spouse had today. We always meet each others needs, so it wasn't too hard to do.

Day-12 Love lets the other win
Philippians 2:4 "Do not merely look out for your own personal interests but also for the interests of others."
Love lets the other win? My wife and I never argue, we disagree on issues, but never yell and scream and carry on. Does she ever let the other win? Not often, but the funny thing is, I present something in a disagreement and then sometimes she comes up with that idea later. That's letting the other win both ways!
Today''s dare was to pick an area and let the other win in that area. I must say I am still waiting for this to happen :-)

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